- DSC2
- DSG2
- MYH7
- MYH11
- MYL2
- MYL3
- PKP2
- RYR2
- TMEM43
- Five Reasons To Participate in a Long-Distance Run
- Marathon Training: Six Tips From Our Fitness Experts
- Prevent Lung Cancer: Understand the Genetics of Nicotine Dependence
- Brugada Syndrome (Heart): Who would bridge the Gap?
- Mapmygenome Brings New RT-PCR Based Tuberculosis Diagnostic Kit To India
- Hypertension Is Preventable
- Mapmygenome Featured on Chai Bisket
- Tobacco Cessation Tricks That Work
- Mapmygenome India Launches SlimGene for Weight Loss
- Hypertension & Your Genes
- Press Release: Mapmygenome India Expands Team, Starts Operations in Delhi-NCR
- Mapmygenome India awarded CE Certificate for Spoligo TB in vitro diagnostic test kit
- SugarGene Recap
- World Health Day 2015: Your Genes Can Make You Healthy
- MapmyGenome raises Pre Series A round of funding
- Hyderabad-based Mapmygenome raises $1.1 million funding in pre-series A round
- Protein and Fiber
- Eat for a healthy heart:
- Day 4 is for jogging!
- Pomegranates
- Post a picture of your cup of green tea and tell us why you love this beverage
- Mapmygenome wins Emerging Company of the Year Award
- MapmyGenome Brings Genetic Testing Online With Partnership
- MapmyGenome brings down cost of genetic testing dramatically with Sugargene™
- Press Release : Mapmygenome Partners with CARE Hospitals To Offer Personal Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics
- MapmyGenome Launches Gynaecmap™ Personal Genomics Panel for Women
- MapmyGenome Lung cancer nicotine dependency test
- Mapmygenome and KFRC, KIMS Launch Oncomap with Cancer Genetic Counseling
- Press Release: Mapmybrain
- Press Release: MapmyGenome launched by Dr Geetha Reddy
- Press Release: Cardiomap™
- BlackBerry Brings Mapmygenome Mobile with New App
- Healthy Lifestyle for Adolescent Females
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM -Case Study
- Adiponectin levels and your health
- The God of All Things New, Good, and Healthy
- Tobacco and You
- #mmgsmartlife Healthy Foodie Contest!
- Healthy Eyes: To See Or Not To See
- Arthritis: Risks, Management and Prevention
- Diabetes and Lifestyle
- It's in the genes: Mapmygenome featured in The Week
- Hyderabad-Based Startup MapMyGenome Unlocks Your Genetic Makeup
- Sankranti: A Healthy Beginning
- Know thyself via genes
- Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise
- MapmyGenome Launches Genomepatri Lite
- Healthy Women's Day with Genomepatri
- No Diet = Good Diet!
- Press Release: MapmyGenome Launches Babymap Carrier and Newborn Screening
- MAP Hypertension with Genomepatri
- Six up-and-coming start-ups on what makes for a successful business- Financial Times
- Forty winks in forty weeks: Pregnancy highlights
- Even Miracles Take a Little Time : Conceive to Believe!
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome : Too many Eggs spoil the basket!
- Your Inner Reflection: Beauty Secrets from your Genes
- Six up-and-coming start-ups on what makes for a successful business
- Press Release: Mapmygenome Selected as a 2016 Red Herring Top 100 Asia Winner
- Sudden cardiac death may be prevented in some families with hereditary cardio-genetic disorder
- Press Release: After Asia top 100, Mapmygenome now selected as a 2016 Red Herring Top 100 Global Winner.
- Genetic Counseling 101: Decode your Gs and Cs!!
- Messing up the ‘GREEN’ : Affects our Genes?
- Press Release: Olympic athlete Srikanth Kidambi strikes again : It’s a GENETIC win!
- MapmyGenome Client Diaries : Why fill in Health History?
- From Our Experts: Fasting Tips For Navaratri
- Of Strokes, Migraines, Dementia: A Story of CADASIL
- Times of India, April 7, 2017: It’s All in Genes
- Hypertension: Manage Your Choices
- Fast and Keep Fit: Dos and Donts This Ramadan
- Prenatal Nutrition: Are You Eating for Two?
- Epigenetics: What is the hype about?
- Whole Genome Sequencing: A case of diabetes and hyperbilirubinemia
- Atrial Fibrillation: Did My Heart Just Skip a Beat?
- Hyperhomocysteinemia: Is It Putting Your Heart at Risk?
- Mind your mind!
- GenomePatri Fit: A Customer’s Journey through his DNA
- Lung Cancer Awareness: Why take that puff?
- Telangana Today: Tackling challenges is in the DNA for this genome specialist from Hyderabad
- Ivanka Trump the show-stopper
- In Hyderabad, Indian Entrepreneurs Size Up Ivanka Trump
- The bond that ties entrepreneurs from Hyderabad to Jamaica – Anu Acharya’s GES2017 story
- Know Your Gut's Feelings : Crohn's, Colitis and more
- ఆరోగ్య జాతకం చెప్పేస్తాం
- A Healthy Lifestyle is a Happy Lifestyle
- Runaway Heart: The Long and Short of Long QT Syndrome
- ThinkGenetic, Mapmygenome join hands to improve genetic services
- Hyderabad-based MapmyGenome Ties up with ThinkGenetic
- 2018 W-Power Trailblazers: Anu Acharya hopes to save a million lives by decoding genetic makeup
- Employee productivity: Moving from a generic to a genetic approach
- DNAtix And Mapmygenome Partner To Advance Personalized Preventive Medicine
- Sports genomics: Is there a sports gene? (Part 1 of 3)
- 3 Reasons Cancer seems to be on the Rise, and What you can do about it (Part 2 of 2)
- Infographic: Mental Health Awareness
- Genetic Counselor Awareness Day
- Gotra Genomics
- 9 Surprising Health Benefits of Mint
- DNA OncoScreen: A Comprehensive Cancer Screen
- Telangana Today: Total Brain partners with Hyderabad-based Mapmygenome
- MapmyGenome partners with VitaminLab to create personalized vitamins based on your DNA
- Doctors Day 2019: Saluting the Heroes in Humanity
- Keto? Paleo? Vegan? What's the BEST Diet?
- Ramadan: Blessed Foods
- Understanding The Role of Genomics in Improving Muscle Performance
- Lifestyle Disease: Prevention and Risk Reduction
- Lifestyle Disorders: Cardiovascular Diseases
- Lifestyle Disorders – Dyslipidemia
- Love working out at home? Do these exercises for EXPLOSIVE results!
- Lifestyle Disorders: Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke
- Lifestyle Disorders: Venous Thromboembolism
- Mental Health Awareness
- Genome Patri and You
- Keto? Atkins? Juicing? Know Your Genes For The Perfect Diet !
- Fat Metabolism: Are GENES The Culprit?
- The pandemic of our times: COVID-19 & Infographics
- Sequence!Sequence!Sequence!
- Immunity boosting nutrients
- Food & Supplements : Do They Lower Risk Of Infection?
- Fighting COVID-19 : Why We Need A Lockdown
- COVID-19 antibody testing and ELISA (Part 2)
- Top 5 Lifestyle Disorders : Do Genes Play A Role?
- Men's Health Month
- Here is the list of COVID testing laboratories in Telangana
- Telangana fixes price cap on tests & treatment
- Covid: Mapmygenome, Apollo Clinic offer DNA-based tests
- Apollo Clinic To Offer DNA Health Tests
- Mapmygenome partners with Apollo Clinic to offer DNA-based health tests
- Apollo Clinic Partners with MapmyGenome
- Press Release: Health Minister Inaugurates MapmyGenome COVID Testing Lab at GMR Hyderabad International Airport
- World Immunization Day During The Pandemic
- CMA( Chromosomal Microarray)- What, Who, Why, When and Where
- Press Release: MapmyGenome Launches Drive Thru COVID-19 Testing Center In Hyderabad
- Air, Food, and Health: Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
- The Medication Blueprint for your Better Future - MedicaMap
- Eclipse, Karma, And Black Magic? Busting Cleft & Craniofacial Myths
- Complete Blood Profiling Test or Hemogram
- Answers to Your Questions on Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Let’s Spread Awareness
- Newborn Screening an Urgent Need for Awareness
- Ease life with simple screening tests
- Rebound Hypertension- The Fatal Danger of Abruptly Stopping Beta-Blockers
- Making peace with nature for a healthier tomorrow
- Obesity, BMI, and Genes
- Breastfeeding: Why Does It Matter for Mothers and Babies?
- Why India Is The Diabetes Capital Of The World?
- Queen Elizabeth and Her Extraordinary Longevity. Is It her genes?
- Tracing your roots in India with DNA, machine learning
- The boss lady of Indian Genomics, who Dreamed of the Nobel as a little girl – MapmyGenome’s Anu Acharya
- Meet Anu Acharya, the Woman Engineer Bringing Code and Data to the Indian Genome
- From Janamptri to Genomepatri™: The MapmyGenome Story
- 20 Top Startup Companies in Hyderabad (2022)
- MapmyGenome partners with Thyrocare to offer preventive genetic tests
- How To Keep Your Heart Healthy
- One Man’s Food Is Another Man’s Poison
- Why Bone Health is Important?
- What Is Iodine Deficiency, Its Causes, And Ways To Manage The Condition
- A little bit of carbs in my life from Combo number 5: In response to Elon Musk’s tweet “Carbs are amazing “
- These are a few of my favorite reads in Science - 10 recommendations
- Seven Reasons Why You Should Do A Routine Heart Checkup
- Press Release: MapMyGenome announces collaboration with Food Darzee
- Significance of Mental Wellness in Corporate India
- Follow These Tips For Oral Hygiene
- How Can You Prevent Early Signs Of Skin Aging
- Here’s why heart problems are rising among Indians
- World Hemophilia Day : Prevention of Bleeds as the Global Standard of Care
- Why Nourishing Your Skin From Within Is The Ultimate Beauty Hack
- World Thyroid Day: Unleashing the Power of Thyroid Health with Genomic Testing
- Prevention is the only key to keeping your kidneys healthy Dr. Shoeb Khan Leading Nephrologist
- Unveiling The Future of Genomics: A Conversation With Dr. Ashwani Dhar On Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics
- Healthy Eating 101 With Nutritionist Meena Sharma
- World No Tobacco Day: Unveiling the Dangers and Embracing Health
- Genomics Through A Photographer's Lens: A Conversation With Wildlife Photographer Ismail Shariff
- People keen on preventive healthcare, says Mapmygenome founder Anu Acharya
- Hyderabad-based MapMyGenome launches MedicaMap to test efficacy of 165 medicines
- Hyderabad: MapMyGenome partners with Food Darzee
- Hyderabad-based MapMyGenome partners Food Darzee to promote nutritional wellness
- Why Men Need to Talk About Their Mental Health?
- Utilization of Next Generation Sequencing for Cardiomyopathy cases
- How Can You Prevent Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?
- MyFitGene Is Your Key To Achieving Faster Fitness Goals- Here's Why
- How Genomic Testing Can Help Assess Inherited Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Why Genetic Testing Matters for Neurological Conditions