Five Reasons To Participate in a Long-Distance Run

Aug 31, 2015


On August 29 and 30, the city of Hyderabad saw thousands of people – young and old – participating in various long-distance races as part of Airtel Hyderabad Marathon. Professionals, amateurs, veterans, and first-timers raced against time to break records and win accolades.

Many from Team Mapmygenome participated in the 10-Km run with zeal and verve. All our team members successfully finished the run, well before time. For all team members, it was a fabulous experience. Our team members are eagerly awaiting the next long-distance run for the reasons given below.



The Thrill of Challenge

All of us love the thrill of a challenge – be it to achieve a goal, to better our records, or to win against someone. We had team members competing against each other, regular runners trying to improve their timing, and first timers who were worried about completing the run in the stipulated time. At the finish line, we had all happy faces.


Guts & Glory

Considering today’s lifestyle, a 10-Km run is not easy for many people. It takes guts to participate, some amount of consistent training, persistence when the going gets tough, strength, energy, and more. As for the glory – why do people post about their successful completion of a 10-Km run?

People displaying their medals


Healthy Lifestyle

Typically, people start adding fitness training and diet regulations to their lifestyle 30-60 days prior to a long-distance run. There are many who switch to a healthier lifestyle after a run. Arun Kiran says, “My timing was good, but I want to see an improvement. Fitness has always been part of my schedule, but now I’ll focus on running.”
A long-distance run also gives you plenty of information regarding your health and what needs attention. One team member says, “I was an athlete in school, but now I can’t run for a few 100 meters without losing my breath. I need to find out what’s wrong.”

Run and win


Weight-loss & Other Health Benefits

Running and walking everyday can help in weight-loss or inch-loss. Many of our team members are thrilled about inch-loss achieved in the month since they have started training. They are motivated to continue their workouts.
Rasika Raman, our in-house fitness guru, said, “I am not a runner, never was (more of a mat/floor person). Women who are much older than I am did brilliantly at this event. When I look at such mothers/wives, I feel that I have a long way to go. I want to tell everyone that the earlier they start a regime, the better. Five years after turning a fitness freak, the number on the weighing scale is, in fact, the least exciting part. Mentally, physically, there is this amazing freedom that comes with regularly working out. Less stressed out, more in control. You feel wonderfully at ease with your physiology, happiness and all that.”


Team Spirit

For many of us, it was a time to bond with our team members outside the office. For once, competition became healthy and everyone was motivating each other. Some of the best moments of the race were when strangers were encouraging each other to keep going.

Team spirit

Whether the lessons learnt from a long-distance race last long enough to make an impact remains to be seen. However, we are sure that the medal, the sense of achievement, happy memories, and accolades will motivate people to start their journey towards fitness.

Training for a Long-Distance Run?

Mapmygenome can help you find what kind of a runner you are. A genetic variant at a specific location in your  DNA can give you great muscle power, or endurance, or a combination of both. SMART SPORT is a genetic test that gives you knowledge about your best-fit sports/fitness/running activity. Use this knowledge to build on your strengths during marathon, fitness, or sports training.

We are giving a 40% discount on SMART SPORT. To avail this offer, visit mapmygenome  write to, or call 1800-102-4595. Today!

Get SMART SPORT to train better for your run

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not exhaustive by any means. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, procedure, or treatment, whether it is a prescription medication, over-the-counter drug, vitamin, supplement, or herbal alternative.