- C3
- IL13
- IL23R
- NOD2
- PTPN22
- TYK2
- IL10
- MapmyGenome raises Pre Series A round of funding
- Day 13: Sun Worship!
- Day 10 is for Yoga!
- Day 8: Stairs again!
- On Day 3 of MMG SMART Lifestyle Challenge, we are going to step up the intensity of exercises a little bit
- How Genetics Influences “Fat vs Fit”
- Vegan Diet: Do It Right
- Entrepreneurship in her DNA: Meet Anu Acharya of MapMyGenome
- MapmyGenome Launches Genomepatri Lite
- Six up-and-coming start-ups on what makes for a successful business- Financial Times
- Your Inner Reflection: Beauty Secrets from your Genes
- Six up-and-coming start-ups on what makes for a successful business
- Some WILD-WOW Facts!
- Busting some myths about Breast Cancer
- Messing up the ‘GREEN’ : Affects our Genes?
- Press Release: Olympic athlete Srikanth Kidambi strikes again : It’s a GENETIC win!
- Are You Able to Digest Your Rotis? #WorldFoodDay
- Breast Cancer Awareness
- Prostate cancer awareness
- Alcohol: Don’t Flush and Blush!
- Add Salads To Every Meal
- What We Learned from Irrfan Khan
- Disruptor Daily: Top 25 Biotech Influencers to Watch on Twitter
- Sports genomics: Genetic superhumans (Part 3 of 3)
- A Quick Introduction to Precision Medicine
- Debunking The Myths of Blood Cancer
- Food Allergy – The Genetics Behind It
- Lifestyle Disorders: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Sports Genomics: Athletics
- Keto? Atkins? Juicing? Know Your Genes For The Perfect Diet !
- Fighting COVID-19 : Why We Need A Lockdown
- Diabetes : A red flag for COVID-19
- COVID-19 And Rains: Preparing for the New Normal
- Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Karnataka, India
- MapmyGenome has announced a price drop of 56% in its flagship product Genomepatri. Almost like Netflix
- Role models like Falguni Nayar and Kiran Mazumdar Shaw are bringing a change in the ecosystem
- Anu Aga, Falguni Nayar, among others, emerge winners at Express Awards for Women Entrepreneurs
- The Biotech Influencer Series Part 2: Anu Acharya
- Sometimes It's Okay If The Only Thing You Did Today Was Breathe
- 5 Drugs Requiring Pharmacogenomic Testing
- Ensuring the Best for Your Little One
- Head and Neck Cancer : Causes, Symptoms And Prevention
- Lupus: You are the warrior and you can win this battle
- World Thyroid Day: Unleashing the Power of Thyroid Health with Genomic Testing
- The Power of Genetics in Nutrition: Insights from Dr. Shikha Sharma
- SNPs are like minor variations, sort of typo errors Dr Shabnam Das Kar
- How Vitiligo is Inherited and Influenced by Lifestyle Factors
- How do these hormones control your hunger and can we influence them?