- TMEM43
- CYP2C19
- Doxepin
- Differentially expressed genes in tumors of prostate cancer
- SMN2
- RAF1 : Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
- IRF6 : interferon regulatory factor 6
- TP63 : tumor protein p63
- Cod Liver Oil
- Day 4 is for jogging!
- Nature and Nurture in Mental Health
- Plate It Right!
- The Jain Route to Better Health
- Happy Birthday to MauriceWilkins, the Third Man Behind the DNA Double Helix!
- Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise
- Genomepatri Lite: When Lite Can Be Powerful
- Inspiring women
- In the midst of #demonetization, Remonetize your health
- Cupid meets Genomepatri this Valentine's WOAH!!
- The tale of an extra chromosome “Down’s Syndrome”
- The Promise of Genomics to Science and Society: Part 1 of 3
- Over 50 Shades of Grey: Understanding Depression
- Hyperhomocysteinemia: Is It Putting Your Heart at Risk?
- Pharmacogenomics: The Exciting Science of Personalized Medicine
- Wadhwani Foundation Launches Global Network
- Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
- Genetic Testing for Autism
- Sports Genomics 101: Demystifying The Sports Gene
- Sports Genomics & Football
- Sequence!Sequence!Sequence!
- Food & Supplements : Do They Lower Risk Of Infection?
- Know Your Immunity Genes : HLA
- Autoimmunity : Causes, Mechanism and how it affects COVID outcomes
- Ramadan and Covid-19
- Diabetes : A red flag for COVID-19
- When a Pharmacogeneticist Becomes a Poor Responder
- Private labs to assist in genome sequencing
- Conversations with Anu Acharya, the poetry lover and entrepreneur in the field of genetics
- A little bit of carbs in my life from Combo number 5: In response to Elon Musk’s tweet “Carbs are amazing “
- Sometimes It's Okay If The Only Thing You Did Today Was Breathe
- Ensuring the Best for Your Little One
- Lupus: You are the warrior and you can win this battle
- The Power of Genetics in Nutrition: Insights from Dr. Shikha Sharma
- Genomics Through A Photographer's Lens: A Conversation With Wildlife Photographer Ismail Shariff
- MapMyGenome launches affordable pharmacogenomics solution MedicaMap
- How Vitiligo is Inherited and Influenced by Lifestyle Factors
- How Can You Prevent Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?