- CYP3A5
- Simvastatin
- Saturated Fat Sensitivity
- Restless Legs Syndrome
- LDL Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- Depression in Children: Angels in Trouble
- Stress in Children: Preventive Measures
- Mapmygenome Featured on Chai Bisket
- Mapmygenome India awarded CE Certificate for Spoligo TB in vitro diagnostic test kit
- Day 13: Sun Worship!
- Protein and Fiber
- Cod Liver Oil
- Add apples to your diet
- Pomegranates
- Post a picture of your cup of green tea and tell us why you love this beverage
- SMART Lifestyle Challenge
- Gyming Food Rules – Eat Smartly Is the New Cool
- Healthy Lifestyle for Adolescent Females
- No Place for Stress in Teams
- 10 Brain Transformers: A Poem
- India's Mapmygenome Rolls Out Genomepatri Lite to Expand Consumer Genomics Menu
- Vegan Diet: Do It Right
- Chocolate: the Bitter the Better?
- Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise
- Fight Diabetes with these Foods
- Charles Darwin: Survival of the Fittest
- Journey To Better Health
- Health considerations when planning your pregnancy
- Six up-and-coming start-ups on what makes for a successful business- Financial Times
- Your (Pre)Baby Sojourn: Time to learn, burn and earn!
- Even Miracles Take a Little Time : Conceive to Believe!
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome : Too many Eggs spoil the basket!
- Your Inner Reflection: Beauty Secrets from your Genes
- These Ties that Bind : Sibling Love!
- Six up-and-coming start-ups on what makes for a successful business
- Preventive Genomics for Cancer ( OncoMap)
- Some WILD-WOW Facts!
- Demonetization- Bring the change you want to see
- Bye 2016; Welcome 2017
- Darwin Gyan – Beyond Genetics
- From Genome to Syndrome : The Rare Disease Riddle
- ‘We do not do charity. We share our happiness’ – 30 quotes from Indian startup journeys
- Epigenetics: What is the hype about?
- Over 50 Shades of Grey: Understanding Depression
- Atrial Fibrillation: Did My Heart Just Skip a Beat?
- World Heart Day: Keeping CVD at Bay : The Heart of the Matter
- Breast Cancer Awareness
- Lung Cancer Awareness: Why take that puff?
- Prostate cancer awareness
- Unlock your genetic athletic potential
- Quadruples in the Helix #KnowYourself in 2025
- A Tale Of The Birds And The Bees … And Genetics!
- 2018 W-Power Trailblazers: Anu Acharya hopes to save a million lives by decoding genetic makeup
- Curiouser and Curiouser
- Sports genomics: Is there a sports gene? (Part 2 of 3)
- Sports genomics: Genetic superhumans (Part 3 of 3)
- Restless Legs Syndrome: A Restless Experience
- Ramadan: Blessed Foods
- Understanding The Role of Genomics in Improving Muscle Performance
- Cholesterol: The Good, The Bad (And The Ugly?)
- Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids: The Genetics Behind
- Your DNA and Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids
- Lifestyle Disorders – Dyslipidemia
- Noncommunicable Diseases: Risk Factors and Statistics
- Sports Genomics: Hockey
- Mental Health Awareness
- An Introduction to Genetic Ancestry Testing
- Sequence!Sequence!Sequence!
- Ramadan and Covid-19
- Plasma therapy in COVID-19 treatment
- COVID-19: Basics of Drugs in progress
- COVID-19 And Rains: Preparing for the New Normal
- CMA( Chromosomal Microarray)- What, Who, Why, When and Where
- One More Reason To Say No To Tobacco
- Obesity, BMI, and Genes
- Alleles Of Allegiance
- World Tuberculosis Day: Yes! TB Is Curable
- Endometriosis Awareness Month: 9 Myths About Endometriosis
- Unraveling The Tapestry Of Indian Ancestry: Insights From Dr. K. Thangaraj's Genetic Odyssey
- SNPs are like minor variations, sort of typo errors Dr Shabnam Das Kar
- What is Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing? Here’s What Couples Should Know
- A simple guide to pregnancy milestones and tests