Bye 2016; Welcome 2017

Dec 23, 2016


January- Selfie Start 


A front page selfie moment with PM Modi in all newspapers

Catapulted Mapmygenome @startupindia

Those new year resolutions still on with kale and capers

GenomepatriTM sales now non linear


February- Custom Creations genomepatri-lite-logo

A major launch of Genomepatri

Clients customize panels they desire

To understand the wacky world of DNA alright

Guiding you gently with changes you can fire


March- Dive into Diagnostics



As customers grow eager to decode their genome

Created a more complete story for consumers

They asked for more products from Mapmygenome

Geared up for diagnostics from newborns to cancerous tumors


April – Counseling Console shutterstock_160152218-min

Awareness grew, counseling consumers and physicians

Counseling services as a service stand alone- as with products

They correlate genetics, family history & lifestyle; a new tradition

Guiding medical fraternity on genetic testing- no longer exotic


May – Babymap Beckoned

wordpress-imageAnd we launched BabymapTM

Carrier and newborn screening

The whole gamut from pre conception and planning

Garnering interest from the pediatric and Gynecology community


June -Beauty and Brains trait-1b

A Blog series on Beauty and brains

Clearing confusion that may have prevailed

That genetics of beauty can now explain

Glowing skin secrets unveiled


July – Obviously Olympics



Although Indians lag at Olympics compared to the west

Could we tweak some of their existing healthcare

Ta da! Some amazing Olympians did the GenomepatriTM Fit test.

GenomepatriTM Fit was launched with fanfare


August – Wohoo WGS   shutterstock_430479463-1-1

And while SNPs worked for most

Customers wanted the maximum more

The ultimate in the sequencing space, a toast

Genome sequencing of 3.2 bn base pairs launched– taking us to the fore

September -Creative Corner



Awards galore- Red Herring Asia & Global, enABLE & Outlook

Chromawesome corner revealed our creative side

That genomics has associations with Superheroes or Bollywood

Genomic case studies revealed a unique human perspective



October – International Initiation image5


A finalist in the Wall Street Journal Key event

Coverage spread rapidly wherever we went

Traction with GenomepatriTM & BabymapTM   did ascent

Gaining speed, we created a dent


November – Patent Published


Accomplished a major feat- SNaPpy patent published

Cash-crunch hits India with demonetization

Trump wins US elections, against what many wished

Genomepatri gains Intellectual property for monetization


December- Focused Finale medicamap

A major sports event, a big pharmacy partnership

Created two new products: “LiverGenomeTM” & “MedicaMapTM”

The reports go online as beta, Thank you for your feedback

Genomepatri & MMG thank you for your help across the Map

Mapmygenome wishes you a Happy 2017

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not exhaustive by any means. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, procedure, or treatment, whether it is a prescription medication, over-the-counter drug, vitamin, supplement, or herbal alternative.