- MYH7
- MYH11
- C9orf72
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Eyebrow Thickness
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS
- Chlorpromazine
- Hair Thickness
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Venlafaxine
- Marathon Training: Six Tips From Our Fitness Experts
- Dietary Management of Diabetes: Holistic Approach During Ramzan
- Hypertension & Your Genes
- World Health Day 2015: Your Genes Can Make You Healthy
- Nurturing Compassion for a Better Tomorrow (#1000speak)
- Hyderabad-based Mapmygenome raises $1.1 million funding in pre-series A round
- A Refreshing Boost of Mint
- MapmyGenome Brings Genetic Testing Online With Partnership
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM -Case Study
- Depression: There are roughly six types of depression, all of which have varying symptoms!
- Genetic Test for Sports and Fitness
- Know thyself via genes
- Anu Acharya is an Indian Entrepreneur
- List of Tests while Undergoing a Pregnancy
- DNA Diet : Eat gene-wise
- Preventive Genomics for Cancer ( OncoMap)
- Appreciate, Be grateful: Care and Don’t forget
- Sudden cardiac death may be prevented in some families with hereditary cardio-genetic disorder
- Some WILD-WOW Facts!
- Demonetization contd.: RBI and ATM
- World Cancer Day : Get the Awareness Gene ON!
- From Genome to Syndrome : The Rare Disease Riddle
- Which Pill to Pop? Too many in Shop!
- The tale of an extra chromosome “Down’s Syndrome”
- Poetry! Its in the Genes!
- Epigenetics: What is the hype about?
- In Hyderabad, Indian Entrepreneurs Size Up Ivanka Trump
- The bond that ties entrepreneurs from Hyderabad to Jamaica – Anu Acharya’s GES2017 story
- Add Salads To Every Meal
- ThinkGenetic, Mapmygenome join hands to improve genetic services
- Facts about the Nipah Virus: Infographic
- ALS: Beyond Stephen Hawking and the Ice Bucket Challenge
- 3 Reasons Cancer seems to be on the Rise, and What you can do about it (Part 2 of 2)
- Infographic: Mental Health Awareness
- Genetic Counselor Awareness Day
- Infographic: World Rare Disease Day
- Endometriosis Awareness
- Going Gluten-Free? Few Points to Remember
- Food Allergy – The Genetics Behind It
- Sprint: Power-based workout Infographic
- Sports Genomics: Swimming
- Infographic: World Hearing Day
- Keto? Atkins? Juicing? Know Your Genes For The Perfect Diet !
- Immunity With Limited Rations: Chickpeas To The Rescue
- Covid Series of Blogs, Videos, Diet Tips and Poems
- The pandemic of our times: COVID-19 & Infographics
- Immunity boosting nutrients
- Know Your Immunity Genes : HLA
- Autoimmunity : Causes, Mechanism and how it affects COVID outcomes
- Diabetes : A red flag for COVID-19
- The role of ACE2 receptor in Covid-19
- Vitamin D : Does it reduce COVID risk?
- Here is the list of COVID testing laboratories in Telangana
- Proactive Diabetic Care: A Boon to Avoid or Delay Onset of Complications.
- Clopidogrel and genetic testing for drugs: Is it necessary?
- Knowing the risk of Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) through Genetic Screening
- Advanced Glycation End Products and Diabetes
- Alzheimer's Disease Is Much More Than Forgetfulness...
- Tracing your roots in India with DNA, machine learning
- India is at the Cusp of Genomic Revolution: Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
- Private labs to assist in genome sequencing
- From Janamptri to Genomepatri™: The MapmyGenome Story
- The Biotech Influencer Series Part 2: Anu Acharya
- Tech needs a MAD formula: It is time for India to make the transition from 'dukandar' to disruptor
- How To Keep Your Heart Healthy
- Arthritis: Early Signs And Symptoms You Should Not Ignore
- Why Bone Health is Important?
- Is Thor Actor Chris Hemsworth Taking A Hiatus Due To His High Risk For Alzheimer’s Disease?
- MapmyGenome launches its affordable Pharmacogenomics solution MedicaMap, covering more than 165 drugs.
- Seven Reasons Why You Should Do A Routine Heart Checkup
- Case Study - Chromosomal Microarray in Epilepsy
- Ethical, Legal And Social Issuses in Pretest Genetic Counseling
- World Tuberculosis Day: Yes! TB Is Curable
- Head and Neck Cancer : Causes, Symptoms And Prevention
- Lupus: You are the warrior and you can win this battle
- SNPs are like minor variations, sort of typo errors Dr Shabnam Das Kar
- Hyderabad-based MapMyGenome launches MedicaMap to test efficacy of 165 medicines
- MapMyGenome launches pharmacogenomics solution MedicaMap
- How do these hormones control your hunger and can we influence them?
- How Can You Prevent Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?
- World Alzheimer’s Day: Growing Older with Alzheimer's Disease