Poetry! Its in the Genes!
Mar 21, 2017
Poetry is true magic, which takes us beyond the realms of the mundane to a world that is the writer’s creation. It can be a balm to the soul or the discordant chord that awakens us to reality. At Mapmygenome, we celebrate World Poetry Day, with genetic poetry.
Our CEO Anu Acharya shares her poem Through the Genome Glass, which she says was inspired by Lewis Carroll.
Through the Genome Glass
Will offspring with pure genetics grow
As blue eyed medicine’s wonder!
Research is discreet, and I am wowed
To it, I shall surrender,
That advances in genomics will surely hail
the love gift of a fairy tale
Or will it?
Some have not seen the sunny side
nor heard of it in daily chatter
No thought of genome shall find a place
In their lives hereafter
A tale that started in the age old days
When life was simple and flowing
A simple habit that can be served in time
Through The Rhythm of our knowing
Whose implications may live in our genes
Through generations over time
Geethanjali Tanikella shares Genes Beyond History, which she says was inspired by Mapmygenome.
Genes Beyond History
Millennia may pass,
Dynasties may fade,
History may vanish,
Without leaving a trace.
Archaeologists’ finds,
Poets’ visions,
Scientists’ theories,
May guess the past.
But the hidden link,
Is deep within.
Passed from parent to child,
Inheritance stays true.
In the DNA
Are the answers to past
That trace ancestry,
Beyond history.
What we are today,
Traits that define individuality –
Are but a copy,
Echoes of yesterday.
When man fights man,
Does he know
That behind the enemy lines
Is his brother?
Do you have a favorite poem on Genetics? Or a favorite poem? Do you write or love poetry? At Mapmygenome, we think it’s in the genes!