The TCF7 (transcription factor 7) is a protein-coding gene located on chromosome 5.
The TCF7 gene encodes the TCF1 protein in humans.
TCF7 is a transcriptional activator that plays a crucial role in T-cell lymphocyte differentiation. It is essential for the survival of immature thymocytes (CD4+ CD8+). TCF7 binds to the T-lymphocyte-specific enhancer element (5'-WWCAAAG-3') within the CD3E gene promoter. It also suppresses the expression of the T-cell receptor gamma gene in alpha-beta T-cell lineages. TCF7 is required for the development of natural killer receptor-positive lymphoid tissue inducer T-cells. TLE1, TLE2, TLE3, and TLE4 can inhibit the activation of TCF7 and CTNNB1. Furthermore, TCF7 might act as a feedback transcriptional repressor for CTNNB1 and TCF7L2 target genes.
TCF7 is also known as TCF-1.