The 't Gene': An In-Depth Exploration
The 't gene', also known as TERT, is a specific region of DNA found on chromosome 5. It contains the instructions for creating the enzyme telomerase, which is crucial for maintaining the health of our cells. Telomerase prevents the shortening of telomeres, which are protective caps located at the ends of chromosomes. As we age, telomeres naturally become shorter with each cell division, eventually leading to cellular senescence or apoptosis (programmed cell death).
Associated Diseases
Mutations in the 't gene' or alterations in telomerase activity have been linked to several genetic disorders, including:
- Dyskeratosis congenita (DC): A rare inherited condition characterized by skin abnormalities, nail dystrophy, bone marrow failure, and increased cancer risk.
- Familial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF): A chronic lung disease that results in scarring and hardening of the lung tissue.
- Certain types of cancer: Mutations in the 't gene' have been found in various cancers, such as liver, lung, bladder, and melanoma.
Did you Know ?
Approximately 5-10% of cases of IPF are caused by mutations in the 't gene'.