The SIGLEC11 (sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 11) is a protein-coding gene located on chromosome 19.
SIGLEC11 is a protein that binds to sialic acids on the surface of cells. It prefers to bind to alpha-2,8-linked sialic acid. This binding can be blocked by other sialic acids on the same cell surface. SIGLEC11 plays a role in the immune system by acting as an inhibitory receptor. When it binds to a ligand, it gets phosphorylated. This phosphorylation allows SIGLEC11 to recruit phosphatases, which remove phosphate groups from other proteins. This dephosphorylation can block signals from being transmitted through the cell, helping to regulate the immune response.
SIGLEC11 is also known as -.
Associated Diseases
- common variable immunodeficiency
- combined immunodeficiency with skin granulomas
- BENTA disease
- classic Hodgkin lymphoma
- immunodeficiency 18
- isolated agammaglobulinemia
- immunodeficiency 62
- severe combined immunodeficiency due to CTPS1 deficiency
- immunodeficiency, common variable, 14
- severe combined immunodeficiency due to CARD11 deficiency
- immunodeficiency 73c with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and hypogammaglobulinemia
- agammaglobulinemia 10, autosomal dominant
- immunodeficiency 105
- neutropenia, severe congenital, 2, autosomal dominant
- hyper-IgM syndrome type 3
- inborn error of immunity
- immunodeficiency, common variable, 4
- immunodeficiency 99 with hypogammaglobulinemia and autoimmune cytopenias
- immunodeficiency 25
- agammaglobulinemia 7, autosomal recessive