The LGALS16 (galectin 16) is a protein-coding gene located on chromosome 19.
LGALS16 is also known as -.
Associated Diseases
- immunodeficiency 72 with autoinflammation
- hyper-IgM syndrome type 3
- osteoarthritis
- immunodeficiency 99 with hypogammaglobulinemia and autoimmune cytopenias
- glycoprotein storage disease
- common variable immunodeficiency
- combined immunodeficiency due to partial RAG1 deficiency
- short-limb skeletal dysplasia with severe combined immunodeficiency
- reticular dysgenesis
- immunodeficiency 105
- severe combined immunodeficiency due to CD70 deficiency
- BENTA disease
- autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome type 4
- immunodeficiency 73c with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and hypogammaglobulinemia
- severe combined immunodeficiency due to IKK2 deficiency
- autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome type 2B
- severe combined immunodeficiency due to LAT deficiency
- immunodeficiency 78 with autoimmunity and developmental delay