The KLF12 (KLF transcription factor 12) is a protein-coding gene located on chromosome 13.
KLF12, or Kruppel-like factor 12, is a human protein encoded by the KLF12 gene. It belongs to the Kruppel-like zinc finger protein family and is known for its role in regulating gene expression during development and cancer. KLF12 can repress the expression of the AP-2 alpha gene, a transcription factor important for development and cancer, by binding to a specific site on its promoter. This repression requires the interaction of KLF12 with a corepressor, CtBP1. Two different forms of KLF12 have been identified, encoded by different transcripts of the KLF12 gene.
KLF12 acts as a transcriptional repressor, specifically targeting the AP-2-alpha gene. It binds to a regulatory element within the AP-2-alpha gene promoter, identified as A32, to exert this repression.
KLF12 is also known as AP-2rep, AP2REP, HSPC122.