The JCHAIN (joining chain of multimeric IgA and IgM) is a protein-coding gene located on chromosome 4.
JCHAIN acts as a bridge, linking two monomer units of either IgM or IgA. For IgM, this creates a dimer that serves as the foundation for the pentameric structure. With IgA, it facilitates the formation of dimers and potentially larger polymers. Additionally, it aids in attaching both IgM and IgA to the secretory component.
JCHAIN is also known as IGCJ, IGJ, JCH.
Associated Diseases
- endometrial cancer
- low grade glioma
- isolated agammaglobulinemia
- common variable immunodeficiency
- hyper-IgM syndrome type 2
- severe combined immunodeficiency due to CARD11 deficiency
- immunodeficiency, common variable, 4
- hyper-IgM syndrome type 3
- BENTA disease
- immune deficiency, familial variable
- severe combined immunodeficiency due to CTPS1 deficiency
- immunodeficiency 18
- immunodeficiency 62
- combined immunodeficiency with skin granulomas
- inborn error of immunity
- agammaglobulinemia 10, autosomal dominant
- severe combined immunodeficiency due to CORO1A deficiency