The GPR82 (G protein-coupled receptor 82) is a protein-coding gene located on chromosome X.
The GPR82 gene in humans encodes a protein called Probable G-protein coupled receptor 82. This protein is believed to be involved in cell signaling, but its exact role is still under investigation.
This receptor is classified as an 'orphan receptor', meaning its specific ligand (the molecule it binds to) and signaling pathway are currently unknown.
GPR82 is also known as -.
Associated Diseases
- prostate cancer
- obesity due to melanocortin 4 receptor deficiency
- hyperinsulinism due to HNF1A deficiency
- obesity due to pro-opiomelanocortin deficiency
- obesity due to prohormone convertase I deficiency
- familial partial lipodystrophy, Dunnigan type
- PPARG-related familial partial lipodystrophy
- autosomal dominant hyperinsulinism due to Kir6.2 deficiency
- transient neonatal diabetes mellitus
- autosomal dominant hyperinsulinism due to SUR1 deficiency
- short stature due to GHSR deficiency
- hypoinsulinemic hypoglycemia and body hemihypertrophy