Title: Unveiling the Enigmatic c5orf38: A Gene Linked to Developmental Disorders
c5orf38 is a mysterious gene located on chromosome 5 in humans. This gene remains largely unexplored, but recent scientific discoveries have shed light on its potential role in human health, particularly in neurodevelopmental disorders.
c5orf38 encodes a protein with an unknown function. However, studies have identified its expression in various brain regions, particularly in areas involved in cognitive and behavioral functions. This suggests that c5orf38 may play a crucial role in neurodevelopment.
Associated Diseases
Research has linked c5orf38 mutations to a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including:
- Intellectual disability: Mutations in c5orf38 have been associated with both syndromic and non-syndromic intellectual disability.
- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Studies have identified an increased frequency of c5orf38 mutations in individuals with ASD, suggesting a possible genetic link.
- Microcephaly: Mutations in c5orf38 have been detected in individuals with microcephaly, a condition characterized by abnormally small head circumference.
- Corpus callosum abnormalities: Dysregulation of c5orf38 has been implicated in corpus callosum anomalies, which can affect brain connectivity and function.
Did you Know ?
According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, mutations in c5orf38 were identified in approximately 1% of individuals with intellectual disability of unknown cause. This highlights the potential importance of c5orf38 in neurodevelopmental disorders.