
Title: Decoding the Enigma of c14orf1: A Gene Linked to Neurodevelopmental Disorders


c14orf1, an enigmatic gene residing on chromosome 14, has emerged as a key player in neurodevelopmental disorders, impacting brain function and behavior. Its intricate role in neural development and disease pathogenesis has captivated the attention of researchers, unlocking a promising avenue for understanding and potentially treating these conditions.

Associated Diseases:

Mutations in c14orf1 have been implicated in a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders, including:

  • Intellectual Disability: c14orf1 mutations are associated with intellectual disability, characterized by impaired cognitive abilities and difficulty with daily living skills.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Studies have identified c14orf1 variants in individuals with ASD, suggesting a possible role in the disorder's neurobiological underpinnings.
  • Schizophrenia: Some c14orf1 mutations have been linked to schizophrenia, a severe mental illness characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and impaired social functioning.

Did you Know ?

Approximately 1 in 100,000 individuals worldwide carry a c14orf1 mutation, highlighting the gene's significance in neurodevelopmental disorders.

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