Start-Up India: Mapmygenome CEO Anu Acharya In Limelight
Jan 17, 2016
MapmyGenome CEO Anu Acharya shared the stage with Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the unveling of the action plan for start-ups at Start-up India Stand-up India meet on January 16, 2016. She was also a panelist at the session “Making Indian Healthcare Leapfrog”. This post is a collection of snippets featuring Anu at the event.
India Outlines Ambitious Agenda To Boost Startups As Well As Stem Their Exodus To Foreign Lands
The founders of InMobi, OYO Rooms and Mapmygenome in a selfie with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Startup India event in New Delhi on Jan 16, 2016 (image: Anu Acharya)
…Into the weekend, entrepreneurs concurred that the new startup agenda is a good beginning. “It’s a fine plan with lots of interesting details, a lot will depend on how it is implemented,” said Anu Acharya, CEO & founder of Mapmygenome, a biotech startup. “What makes me hopeful is the awareness among top politicians and bureaucrats about the challenges entrepreneurs face,” she said.
Originally published: Forbes
Narendra Modi Start Up India, unveils Rs 10000 crore fund
Modi said a start-up does not mean a billion dollar company where thousands of people work; it is about employing even 5 people and developing India. Success of start-ups is not only about enterprise, it is about risk taking and adventure also…. There is an energy from within and there are dreams that you have
Originally Published: NMF News
Launch of Start-Up India Movement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Originally Published: DoordarshanNational
Launch of Start Up India, Stand Up India by PM Shri Narendra Modi – 16th January 2016
Originally Published: Bharatiya Janata Party
Featured on the front page – Hindustan Times e-Paper – Hindustan Times (Kolkata) – 17 Jan2016-Page#1
Originally Published:
Featured on the front page – Namaste Telangaana
Originally Published:
Featured on the front page – Prajasakti
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Featured on the front page – The Indian Express
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PM for startups. #Startup stars with the PM #NarendraModi @anuacharya — Swati Deshpande (@swatidTOI) January 17, 2016
great show @anuacharya @mapmygenomein
— Rimpal Chawla (@rimpalchawla) January 17, 2016
Great to see @anuacharya make front page with PM @narendramodi, more power to her #shethepeople — SheThePeople (@SheThePeopleTV) January 17, 2016
.@AnuAcharya of @MapMyGenomeIn tells us why she started the company and what are her hopes from #StartupIndia — CNBC-TV18 News (@CNBCTV18News) January 16, 2016
This is the ultimate #MakeInIndia project, because it deals with people like us, who are made in India! @anuacharya of @mapmygenomein — Supriya Paul (@supriyapaul93) January 16, 2016
.@anuacharya – simplify regulations and reduce the number of departments and interdependency #StartupIndia — Tanvi Dubey (@_TanviD) January 15, 2016
10 successful #business leaders share anecdotes on the role ‘Luck’ played in their lives #startups #entrepreneur — The Smart CEO (@theSmartCEO) January 18, 2016