An upcoming Covid 19 Risk & Immunity report for all Genomepatri customers

Mar 27, 2020


By: Anu Acharya 
CEO, Mapmygenome India Limited

Our world is facing a major crisis. The Coronavirus pandemic has brought entire nations to a grinding halt – entire countries are in lockdown, the economy facing the risk of flatlining and there is an exponential rise in infections and death. I hope you have been following our articles on Covid on science, testing and more to allay some your fears.

Also Read: Covid- To test or not to test, is that a question?

But not all is grim. The healthcare industry globally has been working ‘round the clock to fight Covid. Biotechnology companies and pharmaceutical giants have come together to sequence the genomes of this virus to diagnose more efficiently, identify drug targets and develop vaccines. It’s a time taking process, but one that will see the light of day.

This is where we need the help of each and every one of you. 

By its very nature, the virus wants to infect its hosts. That’s just part of its life cycle. By keeping ourselves away from others, we aren’t just saving ourselves from getting infected, but saving our community. One person is responsible for infecting 3 people and this results in 59000 cases after it has passed 10 times. Taking precautions is very important so that we don’t overwhelm healthcare systems 

Please adhere to the lockdown. Wash your hands.  Avoid stepping out. Maintain social distancing. 

When the virus particles enter our body, they cause our immune system to rise up to the challenge and make antibodies against that virus. This is the basic principle behind vaccination as well. What we CAN do at this point of time is to bolster our immune system – give it some armour before it steps into the battlefield – Much like Asterix had the magic potion that gave him strength.

For the immune system, this magic potion is simply the right nutrients, sleep, exercise and not smoking. 

Also Read: 10 Ways to Defend Yourself Against Covid-19

EAT RIGHT, EAT WISE. Vitamins C, D and A, Zinc and Magnesium boost your immunity.  Include some foods rich in these ingredients in your daily routine. 

A quick look at Mapmygenome’s database tells me that over 35% of our Indian customers have a genetic risk for Vitamin C deficiency, while almost 42% have an increased genetic risk for Vitamin D deficiency.

Sleep contributes in keeping your immune system ready against any infection.  Combined with moderate exercise your body is well prepared.  

Smoking is a risk factor for many diseases but please stop smoking especially during this outbreak.  There have been some early indications that the severity of infection is higher in smokers.

A lot of studies have also shown that individuals with a confirmed diagnosis, or a genetic risk for cardiovascular conditions, diabetes or autoimmune disorders such as asthma have a more severe infection from SARS-CoV2 than the general population. ONE in FIVE Indians is at risk for Type 2 Diabetes. In fact, over 78% of Mapmygenome’s customers have an elevated genetic risk for at least ONE type of cardiovascular disease. If you do fall in this category, talk to your physician about testing options at the slightest hint of a symptom.

AND FINALLY – Please do NOT self-medicate. You might have heard that abacavir or chloroquine or some other drug has shown promise in the treatment or prevention of COVID. Don’t self – medicate. Talk to your physician. Drug efficacy, dosage and risk for adverse drug reactions have genetic proponents too. 

To end this I speak to Mapmygenome’s DNA Family – Our customers.

Also Read: The science behind Covid for the avid reader

Our team of expert analysts are working tirelessly to analyse your individual genetic sequences once again, in light of this unprecedented circumstance, to generate your personalised ‘Covid 19 Risk and Immunity report’ and provide it free of cost.This is one of the advantages of getting your Genomepatri as we can look at newer conditions as and when needed. This report will help you understand your personal genetic risk profile that includes susceptibility to the disease, response to various drugs, your vitamin deficiency and immune response to the disease.

Genomepatri - Health & Wellness Genetic Test

Mapmygenome stands alongside the entire healthcare and biotechnology industry in this fight against COVID.

Feel free to reach out to us at “1800-102-4595” or email at “” if you need anything.


The Previous Articles on Covid

  1. The Pandemic of our times
  2. 10 ways to defend yourself from Covid
  3. The Science behind Covid for the Avid Reader
  4. To test or not to test, Is that a question?
  5. How to scale Covid Testing in India
  6. Risk and Immunity Report on Covid by Mapmygenome
  7. The Immune System warriors: GAMED antibodies

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not exhaustive by any means. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, procedure, or treatment, whether it is a prescription medication, over-the-counter drug, vitamin, supplement, or herbal alternative.