Fitness Furor: Move your own Cheese, please!

Aug 23, 2016


If love makes the world go around, the pursuit of happiness drives us to get ahead. We get up each time we fall, dust off debris and start again. All for one common goal, in a race against time. In a super-packed interpersonal bubble of career aspirations, travel, dreams, luxury and competition, we all try to find some space for hobbies, recreation and the occasional “me-time”. We are alive only if we chase our dreams. Yet, few of us realize that staying alive is not the same as “living”!

Little do we know that if we dedicated a quarter of our efforts to personal fitness and well-being, maybe, some tasks would get completed on (or before!) time. When it comes to procrastination – the good ol’ “i”ll do it tomorrow”” – most of us will pass with flying colours. You and I can easily think of more excuses to get out of exercise than reasons to do it.  Sadly, most of us have one too many (pretexts) up our sleeve. Most people think that they can stay fit only by following a rigid schedule and/or giving up other interests. That’s not entirely true. Read through our other blogs to learn about staying fit all on your own, or with yoga, and some healthy habits.

Instead of letting your brain play trick-or-treat with you, read through this funny (albeit truthful) piece on how all of us fall prey to mother nature’s gift- our basichuman tendency to…. procrastinate (No wonder we still choose the elevator over the stairs).

Top ten weird excuses (in my opinion):

  • “I don’t have the right shoes.”  Yes, this would be true if you were joining tap dancing. Get a mat, instead, please. Sadie Nardini, Tony Horton, Bipasha Basu, Shilpa Shetty and so many others can help you, minus shoes.
  • “It’s too hot. I will sweat, burn up and die.” Sadly, Indian summers are blazing. But the good news is, as long as you hydrate yourself, you will not die (even if you run out of breath, you will not die). However, all those spotted (read acne) folks like me, please go for a thorough pre- and post-workout cleanse!
  • “Will run and all, but no weights, please. I will turn into a man.” A parrot rap from all leading studies- women need to lift, lift, lift! Say hello to new “lean” muscle and sculpted arms (not to mention reduced chances of osteoporosis).
  • “I look great as I am.” Yes, because fitness is such a vanity pin, isn’t it. Not really. As if it did not offer enough benefits already, (the superpower to fit into the perfect dress is a HUGE bonus), we need to go beyond the looking-glass, too! Improved heart health, flexibility, core strength….the list is endless.
  • “I am married, aren’t I?” Yes, really. I still meet some such. Guess they do not realize why it matters even more, then. Adult life is hard and responsibilities increase two- to three-fold. Keep up with all the changes by building a fitter you!
  • “I will never find as good a partner as my last one. Together, we were the perfect duo on the shuttle court. So yeah, thanks for asking. Meeting some friends for fries, now.” Your BFF need not be your fitness pal. So never say no to someone who genuinely is going to exercise, is asking to come along and will give you free tips ? The bottom line is that you are always better off with company instead of working out alone (unless you are the other kind)!
  • “I am never going to get back in shape. Going downhill is inevitable.” Yes, we ALL know that and that’s precisely why, you must start NOW!
  • “I don’t like exercising.” Looks like your brain is tuned to that. But you cannot train your body to understand that, too! So work out if you want to keep it in good condition.
  • “I am out of shampoo today, so let me skip the run.” Ok. Now we know you are simply not listening.

And the winner is….

“But if I stop… I will become fat again. So let me stay fat instead of re-be-coming fat.”

The next time you feel grouchy, stressed and irritable about how long it’s been since you saw your favourite movie, got a raise, read the latest book or took a trip, take a long, long walk. You might meet a stronger you at the end of the road. It’s time you prepared yourself to fight all odds by adding the best weapon to your armoury – “lifelong fitness”.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is not exhaustive by any means. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, procedure, or treatment, whether it is a prescription medication, over-the-counter drug, vitamin, supplement, or herbal alternative.