As 2015 draws to a close Anu Acharya, founder and CEO of Map my Genome shares what she is grateful about

Dec 21, 2015


As 2015 draws to a close, a big thank you to all those of you who are a part of my rather interesting life this year.

Gratitude to my large furry baby Daisy dog who comes and sits on my head when it’s time to get up, even when I am angry and sleepy and greets me with enthusiasm at any time of day and night. Duty and love cannot be compromised is the message she gives me.

Gratitude to my daughters for excelling in their studies and activities with no supervision of mine. They are examples that motivation can only be from within.

A special thank you to Subash for always being my rock – for trying hard to make me keep my surroundings organized and motivate me to exercise regularly – even though I often disappoint. The message it gives me is that when at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.  And Again.

Gratitude to my team who kept up with my bursts of energy and uncountable emails and messages at odd times. They know that we as a team have to make it happen – regardless of time and space… and money.

Thank you to our support staff at Mapmygenome, especially Sinu who is hard of hearing but nods and always thinks I need some tea and brings me the perfectly brewed cup of masala chai- sometimes right after I have had my espresso shot and/or green tea – And I drink it up with the same enthusiasm – For a good cup of tea is what makes me be.

Gratitude to my customers who are the reason for our existence and for being the feedback engine that is source of Genomepatri getting better every iteration.

Of Genomepatri, You have spread the message far and wide.

With your recommendations, they always  positively decide.

Thank you for your love and support early on with or without a deal.

You are the reason that personalized medicine may soon become real.

Gratitude to my board members Arjun Malhotra and Anula Jayasuriya for their time spent in making Mapmygenome a better company and their honest feedback and support.

Gratitude to my investors for believing in our vision and supporting it with your advice and introductions. An amazing group of investors with multiple talents – Thanks for your help in many things – including portraits, photos, advice on books, and much more.

Special Thanks to Rajan Anandan for always finding time to advise in spite of his busy schedule. Reminds me of the quote by Leonardo Da Vinci that “Time is long enough for anyone who will use it “.  Or perhaps he has cloned himself.

Gratitude to my father who motivates me even after his passing away from earth – He taught me that life was about pursuing big dreams and enjoying small moments. You still make me smile everytime I think about you.

Thanks to my mother, siblings and family for you are responsible for who I am. To my talented sister Aradhana for letting me use your masterpieces for Mapmygenome without any compensation.

Thank you to my friends who are with me through the good and difficult times and for reading my book on poetry called “Atomic Pohe” with great enthusiasm. Well…at least the acknowledgements page.

Originally Published:

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not exhaustive by any means. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, procedure, or treatment, whether it is a prescription medication, over-the-counter drug, vitamin, supplement, or herbal alternative.