
May 09, 2017


ToxExpress® Program was a collaborative program with several large Pharma companies and Gene Logic. Of late, there has been interest in this program by several companies in the Chemical, Environmental, Tobacco and Cosmetic Industry. For those trying to evaluate this program this list of references may be very helpful to see how others have used this program effectively.


Molecular Pathology: Applications in Nonclinical Drug Development

L Oyejide, OR Mendes, I Mikaelian - A Comprehensive Guide to Toxicology …, 2017 - Elsevier


Methods for functional analysis of high-throughput experimental data and gene groups identified therefrom

Y Nikolsky, A Bugrim, T Nikolskaya - US Patent 9,353,415, 2016 - Google Patents

… Current analytical software and empirical gene expression reference databases include Iconix DrugMatrix and GeneLogic's ToxExpress. This software has relatively low predictive power … ToxExpressGeneLogic, DB/commercial, rat, Affymetrix …





Bioinformatics methods for interpreting toxicogenomics data: the role of text-mining

KM Hettne, J Kleinjans, RH Stierum, A Boorsma… - … -Based Cellular Models, 2014 - Elsevier

… to infer toxicity about a new chemical entity via chemicals for which the toxicity is already known (Figure 6.3.1). A gene-expression profile is compared to reference gene-expression profiles collected in databases such as the commercial ToxExpress (from GeneLogic) [74] and …



Gene logic and toxicogenomics biomarkers

WB Mattes - The Path from Biomarker Discovery to Regulatory …, 2013 - Elsevier… effort [23]. The details in the ToxExpress® database and ToxScreen™ models were indeed important, and were the matter for much discussion in TDMC meetings and among Gene Logic scientists and statisticians. One relatively …

Integrating mechanistic and polymorphism data to characterize human genetic susceptibility for environmental chemical risk assessment in the 21st century

HM Mortensen, SY Euling - Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 2013 - Elsevier


[BOOK] Toxicogenomics

T Inoue, WT Pennie - 2013 -

… 49 Matthew Bartosiewicz and Alan Buckpitt The ToxExpress" Module: Applying Gene Expression Data to Predictive Toxicology•• eeoe … Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8501, Japan Mendrick, Donna L., Vice President, Toxicology Program, Gene Logic Inc., 708 … dmendrick (@ genelogic …

  Cited by 10 Related articles

Predictive modeling of chemical hazard by integrating numerical descriptors of chemical structures and short-term toxicity assay data

I Rusyn, A Sedykh, Y Low, KZ Guyton… - Toxicological …, 2012 - Soc Toxicology... (2011) reported a similar outcome when gene expression data ... Evaluation System[], Chemical Effects in Biological Systems Database [],ToxExpress [ ...




Quantitative knowledge-based analysis in compound safety assessment

S Bureeva… - Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism …, 2011 - Two compa- nies, GeneLogic and Iconix, developed commercial databases of gene expression profiles and 'drug signatures' for dozens of toxicity end points and hundreds of drugs, known, respectively, as ToxExpress Ò Program [26] and DrugMatrix [18]. ...





State-of-the-art genomics approaches in toxicology

P Van Hummelen… - Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation …, 2010 - Elsevier... for hepatotoxicity based on raw microarray data within ToxExpress ® data base of Gene Logic. ...Japanese Toxicogenomics Project in which they developed a 112 gene classifier to ... GeneLogic's ToxExpress ® Program contains a database comprised of over 14,000 drug treated ... 

15 Toxicogenomic and pathway analysis

B Lu, Y Jiang… - Predictive Toxicology in Drug Safety, 2010 - In the commercial arena, GeneLogic's ToxExpress and Entelo's DrugMatrix are the two major … DrugMatrix also come from two main data- base vendors Genelogic and Entelos. ... toxicity15 DrugMatrix; 5 -day signatures predict 30-day nephrotoxicity10 Gene Logic ToxShield R&D ... 

[PDF] Toxicogenomics revolution in the optimisation of pharmaceutical drug development and drug safety evaluations

[PDF] from

CN Fokunang, EA Tembe-Fokunang… - African Journal of …, 2010 - ... Gaithersburg, MD, USA) has built a reference database called the ToxExpress™ Module (Wen … However, gene expression for certain genes might be switched on or off, rather ... Finally, toxicogenomics DB providers such as GeneLogic, CuraGen and Iconix supply software tools ...

Predicting hepatotoxicity using cell based assays

LC Mattheakis, JK Trautman, GP Solar… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents

... Med. Biol. 41:523-537, 1996. R. Pepperkok et al., "System for quantitation of gene expression in single cells by computerized microimaging: Application to c-fos expression after microinjection of anti-casein kinase II antibody", Experimental Cell Research 204:278-285, 1993. ...

Drug development from natural products: Exploiting synergistic effects

[PDF] from

G Ulrich-Merzenich, D Panek, H Zeitler… - Indian journal of …, 2010 - ... 200 validated gene signature sets Gene Logic ToxExpress™ ToxExpress™ reference data base predictive system with in in vivo+in vitro models. Extensive liver toxicity database. Exonhit ...




Methods for determining hepatotoxins

D Mendrick, M Porter, K Johnson, B Higgs… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents ... DL, ToxExpress, FDA-DIA Pharmacogenomics Work- shop May 2002, (2002). Mendrick, D., "Discovery of Relevant biomarkers for Nonclinical and Clinical Applications," American College of Toxicology Mtg. Nov. 8, 2004, (2004). Mendrick, D., "Rold of Gene Expression Studies ... 

Similar compounds searching system by using the gene expression microarray database

H Toyoshiba, H Sawada, I Naeshiro… - Toxicology letters, 2009 - Elsevier

... Tong et al., 2003), ArrayExpress at the EBI (Parkinson et al., 2007), the Toxicogenomics Project (TGP) (Takashima et al., 2006), Iconix DrugMatrix, the GeneLogic ToxExpress and BioExpress, and the NCBI microarray data repository Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) (www.ncbi ... 

[PDF] Toxicogenomics and Cell-based Assays for Toxicology

[PDF] from

W TongH Fang… - IBC, 2009 -

... For example, ToxExpress® ( and DrugMatrix® ( are two of the most comprehensive reference databases available, devel- oped by Gene Logic and Iconix, respectively. ...


Toxicogenomics Application to Oncology Drug Development

L Calzolai… - … in Anticancer Drug Development and Clinical …, 2009 - Springer ... ToxExpress Gene Logic Inc.: ToxExpress Module PTS CuraGen Corporation: Predictive Toxicogenomic Screen GeneMatrix Iconix Biosciences, Inc.: GeneMatrix ...



Key Aspects of Toxicogenomic Data Analysis and Interpretation as a Safety Assessment Tool to Identify and Understand Drug‐Induced Toxicity

A Vladimirova… - Toxicogenomics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library

... These include databases from commercial sources, such as Gene- Logic's ToxExpress R с System (Castle et al., 2002) ( toxexpress/system.cfm),and Entelos (formerly Iconix Biosciences) DrugMatrix R с (http:// ...

Microarray analysis in rat liver slices correctly predicts in vivo hepatotoxicity

MGL Elferink, P Olinga, AL Draaisma… - Toxicology and applied …, 2008 - Elsevier... TM (Suite v1.0 and the liver V toxicity prediction model)(Gene Logic, an Ocimum ... models to assess the potential for human hepatotoxicity based on rat gene expression data. ... Affymetrix CEL files for the appropriate treated samples and controls (GeneLogic, ...


SA Barros… - METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-CLIFTON …, 2008 - Springer... This chapter describes our internal efforts to develop and evaluate predictive in vitro and in vivo toxicogenomic models for hepatotoxicity based on the raw microarray data within the ToxExpress® database (Gene Logic, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD), with the goal of leveraging this ... 

Toxicogenomics and classic toxicology: how to improve prediction and mechanistic understanding of human toxicity


... Genomic analysis can detect such events as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Studies in GeneLogic's (Gaithersburg, MD) ToxExpress® database were used for the analysis. InFig. ... A study was performed using data in Gene Logic's ToxExpress database. ... 

Methods for determining renal toxins

D Mendrick, M Porter, K Johnson, B Higgs… - US Patent …, 2008 - Google Patents... CI. G06F 19/00 (2006.01) The present invention is based on the elucidation of the global changes in gene expression and the identification of toxicity markers in tissues or cells exposed to a knownrenal toxin. ... Kawamoto, etal., Gene, 174:151-158 (1996). ...

Molecular cardiotoxicology modeling

DL Mendrick, MW Porter, KR Johnson… - US Patent …, 2008 - Google Patents

... Pharmacol, 45: 2289-2294 (1993). (Continued) Primary Examiner—Carolyn L. Smith (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Cooley Godward Kronish LLP (57) ABSTRACT The present invention is based on the elucidation of the global changes in gene expression and the identification ...

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Application of Toxicogenomics in Predicting Hepatotoxicity–Potentials and Challenges

W Lin, G Shen, TO Khor… - Hepatotoxicity - Wiley Online Library There are some commercial companies, such as 'GeneLogic ToxExpress' and 'CuraGen', which provide commercially available toxicogenomic databases, aiming to improve the prediction of hep- atotoxicants and human-specific toxicants through gene expression profile ...

Use of Toxicogenomics as an Early Predictive Tool for Hepatotoxicity

L Suter - Toxicogenomics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library Toxicogenomics databases such as DrugMatrix R с by Iconix/Entelos (Fielden and Kolaja, 2006) and ToxExpress R с by Genelogic, and several ... Experimental evidence using gene expression profiling of monkeys treated with ciprofibrate, a PPAR α agonist, revealed clear species ... 

From Pharmacogenomics to Translational Biomarkers


... Examination of Kim-1 in human renal diseases was performed using the BioExpress® database at Gene Logic (Gaithersburg, MD). ... Studies from the ToxExpress database were selected to examine the time course of gene expression change and the results from three ...


In Vivo Predictive Toxicogenomics


... For commercial predictive service providers such as Gene Logic Inc. (Gaithersburg, MD, USA) and Iconix Pharmaceuticals Inc. ... There is no single way to treat multiple time point data in building models. Gene Logic has attempted to build models by two methods. ...


Pathway analysis tools and toxicogenomics reference databases for risk assessment

B Ganter, N Zidek, PR Hewitt, D Müller… - …, 2008 - Future Medicine

... database of the NIH/NIEHS [64,65,123], ArrayTrack from the FDA/NCTR [66,124], ArrayExpress at the EBI [67,125] and the NCBI microarray data repository Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) [126]. The commercial databases include GeneLogic's ToxExpress ® System [22,127 ...

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From the bench to the clinic and back again: translational biomarker discovery using in silico mining of pharmacogenomic data

[PDF] from

DL Mendrick… - Biomarkers, 2007 - Future Medicine

... translational biomarker. Using Gene Logic's BioExpress and ToxExpress databases,the expression of FETUB in multiple species was explored. In Figure 4, the expression of FETUB in various liver diseases in humans is shown. The ...


Y Nikolsky, A Bugrim… - US Patent App. 12/520,441, 2007 - Google Patents ... a microarray platform. Current analytical software and empirical gene expression reference databases include Iconix DrugMatrix and GeneLogic's ToxExpress. This software has relatively low predictive power. However, this ...

Analysis engine and work space manager for use with gene expression data

E Szeto - US Patent 7,251,642, 2007 - Google Patents

... 31, 2007 (56) ANALYSIS ENGINE AND WORK SPACE MANAGER FOR USE WITH GENE EXPRESSION DATA Inventor: Ernest Szeto, Berkeley, CA (US) Assignee: Gene Logic Inc.,Gaithersburg, MD (US) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or ...

Predicting hepatotoxicity using cell based assays

LC Mattheakis, JK Trautman, GP Solar… - US Patent …, 2007 - Google Patents

... Med. Biol. 41:523-537, 1996. R. Pepperkok et al., "System for quantitation of gene expression in single cells by computerized microimaging: Application to c-fos expression after microinjection of anti-casein kinase II antibody", Experimental Cell Research 204:278-285, 1993. ...


Incorporating genome-based technologies into toxicology and safety assessments for drug discovery and development

LG Yengi - International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2007 - field was Gene Logic Inc. (Gaithersburg, throughput screening and the human genome project, which made MD, USA) which, in partnership with a group of pharmaceutical it possible for newly sequenced clones and transcripts to be easily companies, developed ToxExpress® 1 ...





Predictive models of hepatotoxicity using gene expression data from primary rat hepatocytes

L Hultin-Rosenberg, S Jagannathan… - …, 2006 -

... Expression profiles Expression profiles were obtained by performing directed queries on the ToxExpress database from Gene Logic (; Castle et al. 2002). Profiles were obtained from treatments of hepatocytes ...

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Toxicogenomics strategies for predicting drug toxicity

R Martin, D Rose, K Yu… - Pharmacogenomics, 2006 - Future Medicine... Samples for the two knowledge bases were subsets of those available from the ToxExpress ® database (Gene Logic, Inc., MD, USA). The in vitro knowledgebase consisted of data derived from rat primary hepatocytes, while ...

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[CITATION] The ToxExpress™ Module*: applying gene expression data to predictive toxicology

Application of data mining approaches to drug delivery

S Ekins, J Shimada… - Advanced drug delivery reviews, 2006 - Elsevier

... several hundred marketed drugs and toxicants using different array platforms (the Iconix Drug Matrix™ [60], GeneLogic ToxExpress™ [61] and ... connected with molecule bioactivity databasessuch as BioPrint, which would combine molecular interactions at the gene level with ...

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Toxicogenomics and cross-species biomarker discovery: applications in drug discovery and safety assessment

MS Orr - Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 2006 -

... At Gene Logic Inc., Affymetrix GeneChips® microarrays were used to identify dysregulated secreted genes in human or rat samples. Comparisons of the dysregulated genes identified in either the human (BioExpress® database) or rat studies (ToxExpress® database) were ...

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DL Mendrick… - US Patent App. 12/064,933, 2006 - Google Patents

... CI. C12Q 1/68 (2006.01) (52) US CI 435/6 (57) ABSTRACT The present invention includes methods of predicting car- diotoxicity of test agents and methods of generating car- diotoxicity prediction models using algorithms for analyzing quantitative gene expression information. ...

All 2 versions


Toxicogenomics in drug discovery and development: mechanistic analysis of compound/class-dependent effects using the DrugMatrix® database

B Ganter, RD Snyder, DN Halbert… - Pharmacogenomics, 2006 - Future Medicine... Since the most effective application of toxicogenomics requires generation of high content gene expression data on large numbers of reference compounds, and therefore ... Commercial toxicogenomic databases include GeneLogic's (MD, USA) ToxExpress™ Module [47,205 ...

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Predicting hepatotoxicity using cell based assays

LC Mattheakis, JK Trautman, GP Solar… - US Patent App. 11/ …, 2006 - Google Patents... See "Serious liver injury: leading reasons for drug removals, restrictions" 2001/301_liver.html; and ToxExpress™ Application Note, GeneExpress ToxExpressPredictive System™, Gene Logic, Gaithersburg, Md. (2002). ...

Tissue and species distribution of the glutathione pathway transcriptome

WB Mattes, KK Daniels, M Summan, ZA Xu… - …, 2006 -

... arrays. Rat and canine gene expression data are resident in Gene Logic's ToxExpress® System Database, whereas mouse gene expression data are found within Gene Logic's BioExpress® System Database. Affymetrix probesets ...

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The use of toxicogenomic data in risk assessment: a regulatory perspective

VSW Chan, MD Theilade - Clinical Toxicology, 2005 -

... GeneLogic ToxExpress is a consortium of more than seven pharmaceutical companies that examines samples from rats, dogs, and humans using microarray and traditional toxicity assessment methods. The group aims to collect data on gene expression changes ...

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Hepatotoxicity Molecular Models

M Porter, B Higgs, D Mendrick… - US Patent App. 11/ …, 2005 - Google Patents... Each elec- tronic copy of the Sequence Listing was created on Mar. 28, 2005 with a file size of 5995 KB. The file names are as follows: Copy 1—gene logic 5134-wo.txt; Copy 2—gene logic 5134-wo.txt; Copy 3—gene logic 5134-wo.txt.; and CRF—gene logic 5134-wo.txt. ... 

Techniques: application of systems biology to absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity

[PDF] from

S Ekins, Y Nikolsky… - Trends in pharmacological sciences, 2005 - Elsevier

... Several companies market content databases of gene-expression profiles, histopathology,multi-parameter clinical chemistry tests and ... These include Iconix (Drug Matrix™;, GeneLogic (ToxExpress™; [55], ...

Cited by 124 - Related articles - All 18 versions


Toxicogenomics in the pharmaceutical industry: Hollow promises or real benefit?

A Lühe, L Suter, S Ruepp, T Singer… - Mutation Research/ …, 2005 - Elsevier... In addition to the non-commercial resources, commercial providers, such as Gene Logic,Inc. (ToxExpress ® ) or Iconix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (DrugMatrix ® ) offer comprehensive instruments for assessment of the toxic potential of a compound. ...

Cited by 49 - Related articles - All 6 versions


The role of transcriptome analysis in pre-clinical toxicology

GH Searfoss, TP Ryan… - Current Molecular Medicine, 2005 - Prediction of 10 different liver toxicities. Gene Logic ToxExpress™Gaithersburg, MD ToxExpress™ reference database predictive system with in vivo and in vitromodels. Extensive liver toxicity database. Multifaceted tools and services. 

Cited by 32 - Related articles - All 7 versions

Expression genomics and drug development: towards predictive pharmacology

[PDF] from

ET Liu - Briefings in functional genomics & proteomics, 2005 - Keywords: transcription, cDNAs, expression signatures, gene regulation, drug effects ... It demonstrated a hierarchy of transcriptional impact, with cell lineage making a greater impact than biochemical pathways, and, in turn, greater than individual gene effects. ...

Cited by 11 - Related articles - All 8 versions



Prediction methods and databases within chemoinformatics: emphasis on drugs and drug candidates

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SÓ Jónsdóttir, FS Jørgensen… - Bioinformatics, 2005 - Oxford Univ Press

... The ToxExpress Reference Database is a toxicogenomic database, which contains gene expression profiles from known toxicants. This database is built on in vivo and in vitro studies of exposure to toxicants, and around 110 compounds have been profiled. ...

Cited by 54 - Related articles - All 15 versions  

P1 Altered Expression of Gene Products Involved as a Complex in the Endogenous Hepatocarcinogenesis of Rats Fed a Choline-Deficient, L-Amino Acid-Defined …

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D Nakae, F Uematsu, Y Hatanaka… - Toxicologic …, 2005 - P1 Altered Expression of Gene Products Involved as a Complex in the Endogenous

Hepatocarcinogenesis of Rats Fed a Choline-Deficient, L-Amino Acid-Defined Diet. ... P11 Gene

Expression in Regenerating Rat Liver Following Partial Hepatectomy: A Detailed Time Course. ...

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2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) alters the mRNA expression of critical genes associated with cholesterol metabolism, bile acid biosynthesis, and bile …

N Fletcher, D Wahlström, R Lundberg… - Toxicology and applied …, 2005 - Elsevier ... Clinical chemistry and pathological examination was carried out at Gene Logic Inc. ... Dose selection was designed to encompass the dose at which gene changes were observed using microarray analyses. ... Data are contained within GeneLogic's Toxexpress database. ...

Cited by 86 - Related articles - All 5 versions



Methods for enhancing gene expression analysis

U Scherf, GD Hoke, DJ Wilson… - US Patent App. 10/ …, 2004 - Google Patents

... MD (US); Daniel J. Wilson, Mississauga (CA); Debra A. Barnes, Frederick, MD (US)Correspondence Address: MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP 1111 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 (US) (73) Assignee: Gene Logic, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD (21) Appl. ...

Gene expression alterations during HGF-induced dedifferentiation of a renal tubular epithelial cell line (MDCK) using a novel canine DNA microarray

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DF Balkovetz, ER Gerrard Jr, S Li… - American Journal of …, 2004 - Am Physiological Soc

... The cRNA products were fragmented to 200 nucleotides or less, heated at 99°C for 5 min, and hybridized for 16 h at 45°C to the ToxExpress GeneChip Canine Array, which was developed as a custom array by Gene Logic and Pfizer, using Affymetrix standard design ...

Cited by 22 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions

Molecular cardiotoxicology modeling

DL Mendrick, MW Porter, KR Johnson… - US Patent App. 10/ …, 2004 - Google Patents... CI. C12Q 1/68 G06F 19/00 (52) US CI (57) (2006.01) (2006.01) ABSTRACT 435/6; 702/20 The present invention is based on the elucidation of the global changes in gene expression and the identification of toxicity markers in tissues or cells exposed to a known cardiotoxin. ...

[PDF] Overview of Current State of Affairs and Perspectives on Toxicogenomics.

[PDF] from


... Treatment Rat Hepatocyte (Human, Rat) Bioinformatics CuraGen Gene Logic Iconix Company

GeneCalling® Affymetrix GeneChip Amersham CodeLink Gene Expression Platform Predictive

Toxicogenomics Screen (PTS) ToxExpress/ ToxSuite/ ToxScreen DrugMatrix ...

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Primary rat hepatocyte toxicity modeling

D Mendrick, M Porter, K Johnson… - US Patent App. 10/ …, 2004 - Google Patents

... S. Orr, Gaithersburg, MD (US); Michael Elashoff, Gaithersburg, MD (US) Correspondence Address: COOLEY GODWARD LLP THE BROWN BUILDING - 875 15TH STREET, NW SUITE 800 WASHINGTON, DC 20005-2221 (US) (73) Assignee: Gene Logic Inc., Gaithersburg, MD ..

Methods For Molecular Toxicology Modeling

JC Diggans… - US Patent App. 10/580,423, 2004 - Google Patents... In a preferred embodiment, the database is a ToxExpress® or BioExpress® database marketed by Gene Logic Inc., Gaithersburg, Md. [0061] The databases of the invention may be linked to an outside or external database such as GenBank (www ncbi. ...

[BOOK] Analyzing microarray gene expression data

GJ McLachlan, KA Do… - 2004 -

Page 1. Analyzing Microarray Gene Expression Data Page 2. This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 3. Analyzing Microarray Gene Expression Data Page 4. WILEY SERIES IN PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS Established ...

Cited by 228 - Related articles - All 14 versions



[CITATION] An introduction to toxicogenomics

ME Burczynski - 2003 - Informa HealthCare

Cited by 10 - Related articles - All 5 versions 

Toxicogenomics takes center stage

J Lehmann - Drug News Perspect, 2003 - Standardization of experimental methods was and continues to be pushed to the extreme limit to optimize precision and reproducibility in the ToxExpress project led by Gene Logic. ... URLs cited. Society of Toxicology: Gene Logic: ...

Cited by 2 - Related articles - All 3 versions


[CITATION] 12 Predictive Toxicogenomics

MW Porter, AL Castle, MS Orr… - An introduction to …, 2003 - Informa HealthCare

Predictive toxicogenomics in preclinical discovery

Predicting hepatotoxicity using cell based assays

LC Mattheakis, JK Trautman, GP Solar… - US Patent App. 10/ …, 2003 - Google Patents... See "Serious liver injury: leading reasons for drug removals, restrictions" features/ 2001/301_liver.html; and ToxExpress™ Application Note, GeneExpress ToxExpress Predictive System™, Gene Logic, Gaithersburg, Md. (2002). 

Molecular nephrotoxicology modeling

DL Mendrick, MW Porter, KR Johnson… - US Patent App. 10/ …, 2003 - Google Patents... CI. G06F 19/00 (2006.01) (52) US CI 702/20 (57) ABSTRACT The present invention is based on the elucidation of the global changes in gene expression and the identification of toxicity markers in kidney tissues or cells exposed to a known renal toxin. ...


 [CITATION] The future of Toxicogenomics

JC Rockett - An introduction to toxicogenomics, 2003 - Informa HealthCare

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Nucleic acid detection assay control genes

A Castle, B Higgs, M Elashoff… - US Patent App. 10/620,765, 2003 - Google Patents... Available databases include, but are not limited to, the Gene Logic ToxExpress® database, the Gene Expression Omni- bus gene expression and hybridization array repository available through NCBI ( and the SAGE™ gene expression database. ...

DL Mendrick - Toxicogenomics, 2003 - Springer Verlag

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Methods for classification of biological data

AL Castle, MR Elashoff, KR Johnson… - US Patent App. 10/ …, 2003 - Google Patents... Gaithersburg, MD (US); Kory R. Johnson, Gaithersburg, MD (US); Mark W. Porter, Gaithersburg,MD (US) Correspondence Address: MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP 1111 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 (US) (73) Assignee: Gene Logic, 

Cited by 5 - Related articles - All 2 versions




Toxicogenomics: a new revolution in drug safety

AL Castle, MP Carver… - Drug discovery today, 2002 - Elsevier ... The combination of READS™ and ToxExpress™ (Gene Logic) and GeneChip® (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA) enables the detection of both novel and known genes that respond to toxicants, as well as validation of interesting genes using Q-RT-PCR. Predictive toxicology. ...

Cited by 63 - Related articles - All 6 versions


System and method for managing gene expression data

V Markowitz, T Topaloglou… - US Patent App. 10/ …, 2002 - Google Patents ... 11,2003 (54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING GENE EXPRESSION DATA (76) Inventors:Victor Markowitz, Albany, CA (US); Thodoros Topaloglou, Menlo Park, CA (US); Kevin McLoughlin, Oakland, CA (US); John Campbell, Gaithersburg, MD (US); Dmitry Krylov ...

Applications of antisense and siRNAs during preclinical drug development

JD Thompson - Drug discovery today, 2002 - Elsevier... Libraries of drug profiles from mammalian cells are also commercially available from, for example, DrugMatrix (Incyte Genomics, and ToxExpress (Gene Logic, In ...

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System and method for retrieving and using gene expression data from multiple sources

V Markowitz, T Topaloglou… - US Patent App. 10/096,645, 2002 - Google Patents... 9,2003 (54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR RETRIEVING AND USING GENE EXPRESSION DATA FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES (76) Inventors: Victor Markowitz, Albany, CA (US); Thodoros Topaloglou, Menlo Park, CA (US); I-Min Amy Chen, El Cerrito, CA (US) 

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Applying data warehouse concepts to gene expression data management

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VM Markowitz… - … and Bioengineering Conference …, 2001 - GeneExpress products are available as DataSuites, such as BioExpress and ToxExpress,which contain data on disease or tissue specific samples (see ...GeneExpress is notable for its size: it includes gene expression data on thousands of ...

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[HTML] Toxico-Logic

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A Francis - The Scientist, 2000 - ... Clontech 800-662-2566 Gene Logic 301-987-1700 Incyte 877-746-2983 ... Gene Logic began developing its ToxExpress database with Wyeth-Ayerst Research about 18 months ago. ...

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is not exhaustive by any means. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, procedure, or treatment, whether it is a prescription medication, over-the-counter drug, vitamin, supplement, or herbal alternative.