2017 Musings
Dec 28, 2017
As the year 2017 comes to an end, our CEO Ms. Anu Acharya shares this poem, about our year in review.
WHEN Mapmygenome’s 2017 timelines are to be known,
And the business is on the rise booming,
With many an award, and customers rising,
And many a product that you may consider using,
I left the lines where we discuss the details
For that, I leave to our corporate emails
I bet you know a person whose medicine did not work
And those medical bills that did not lurk
Where health was a forgotten asset until the time
A hospital then took away dollars not just a dime
Our MedicaMap is bound to give that edge
When with life you would like to make a hedge
A guide to “who am I?” according to the Maharshi
Not my body, not the mind, nor the personality;
If life were an equation
DNA and environment would be part of the solution
Genomepatri with genetic counseling can help
With improved look and feel, to #Knowyourself
To help you know the algorithm inside
Should you want to know for you to decide
I thought that if you understood probabilistic chancy
That life was not a deterministic unchancy
I thought that our patented algo SNaPpy
Will certainly catch your youthful(?) fancy
And if you were looking for more validation
Fear no more, we’ve covered your trepidation
With certifications in hand like NABL
CE, ISO, PCPNDT and the rest of the stable
Not many can boast of 17 years of experience
Our team and background give us that resilience
At length, you read the Genomepatri report
Where you were compared with the rest of your cohort
Where early risks were spotted;
And recommendations for risks to be thwarted,
Those nudges help you make some drastic changes
What you do today will decide those ranges
But should there be a genetic risk to diagnose
For current or future generations that may pose
We help understand these situations
Hereditary, somatic or a random mutations
When you visit us or speak to us on the phone
We recommend the right test ― from single gene, exome to the whole genome
If your purse is light, But you have that gang
Your employer may just provide you with that bang
We collaborate with corporates, clinics and more
You can buy online on mapmygenome.in for one or many more
Get on our list, we promise you those deals
Our marketing team always seems to provide some steals
We added many good men and women this year
To serve our customers in 65 countries, did you hear?
Our blog is rich and full of interesting articles and tidbits
If you haven’t checked it out, you must ― I promise additional hits
And the events that shaped the year include
The most awaited GES and other events elevated our mood
For the old and the young that plough life’s lane,
Riding with the flags, the fun and the family that became
Remember, you are in charge of the life at bay
Today and in times of any danger, let me say
Oh! happy, happy may you may be
In 2018 there is much that we can see